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Data Wrangling and Loops in Stata


This workshop is intended for people who feel comfortable with the material covered in our Introductory Statistics Using Stata workshop. We will use hands-on examples to cover: Sub-setting by observations or by variables Creating new variables as functions of existing variables Aggregation/summarizing by observations or by variables Reshaping (pivoting) from wide to tall or from […]

Advanced Longitudinal Data Analysis: Fixed Effects and Hybrid Models


Panel data, also known as longitudinal data, consists of multiple observations of the same subject over time. Many disciplines will analyze such data using a random intercept or random coefficients model. In this workshop, another way of modeling such data will be discussed: using fixed effects. Fixed effects methods can be used in longitudinal studies […]

Missing Data


Missing data are very common in all types of data sets, but most statistical procedures assume that all data are observed. The result is that most standard statistical software packages automatically drop from the analysis all observations with any missing data. This approach can lead to very low sample sizes and biased results. This two-part […]

Introduction to Time Series Analysis


Time series analysis concerns with methods for visualization and statistical analysis of data collected sequentially over time. This workshop is designed to introduce researchers to basics of time series data exploration and modeling. After attending the workshop, you should be able to use standard R packages to: perform exploratory data analysis with time series;- correct […]

Fractional Factorial Designs


Fractional factorial designs are often used for screening a large number of factors potentially related to a continuous response variable of interest. Attendees will learn about: Design generators, alias structure and design resolution Plackett-Burman designs Central composite designs Box-Behnken designs The designs and methodology will be illustrated using examples and the statistical software packages, JMP […]

Data Wrangling


To answer statistical research questions, data must be arranged correctly to apply the appropriate model. Often data comes to a researcher in the wrong arrangement, and a researcher must reconfigure the format or combine data from several sources before a model can be used. In this workshop we will go over the most common “data […]

Data Reduction using Partial Least Squares (PLS)


Partial least squares (PLS) is a data reduction method that can be useful when dealing with multicollinearity in multiple linear regression.  PLS is often used in predictive analyses and discriminant analyses.  The PLS algorithm creates new uncorrelated variables from old variables, but in a different way than PCA. PLS regression is considered one of the […]

Introduction to PERMANOVA


PERMANOVA, (permutational multivariate ANOVA), is a non-parametric alternative to MANOVA, or multivariate ANOVA test. It is appropriate with multiple sets of variables that do not meet the assumptions of MANOVA, namely multivariate normality. It is often used with data that is highly skewed, zero-inflated, ordinal, or qualitative, such as ecological community data, microbiome data, or […]

Introduction to Item Response Theory (IRT)


Item response theory (IRT) consists of a family of mathematical models which can be used to estimate and evaluate the relationship between observed variables and a latent trait. Different IRT models exist for different types of observed variables. In this workshop, we will mainly focus on IRT models for binary observed variables. These types of […]

Data Visualization


Data Visualization is one of the most important ways to communicate your research findings. This workshop will cover guidelines and best practices for creating graphs and figures that accurately and effectively convey the results of your research and the message you want to tell. We will introduce a number of resources available to get ideas […]