
The Cornell Statistical Consulting Unit (CSCU) is a research support unit whose mission is to support Cornell faculty, staff, and students with study design, data analysis, and the use of statistics in their research.

CSCU provides the following services:

  • Consulting: Statistical consultants can provide individualized advice on study design, statistical analysis, and implementation using statistical software.
  • Workshops: CSCU offers statistical workshops on a variety of topics. We offer live workshops throughout  the year and maintain a library of recorded workshops and materials that are accessible to the Cornell community at any time.
  • Handouts and Tutorials: CSCU produces materials about the implementation and interpretation of statistical methods. Our handouts and tutorials are available on our website. We also have a Zotero library of published articles on statistical methodology.
  • Proposal Support: CSCU provides statistical support for research and grant proposals. Our consultants are able to assist with power and sample size calculations, study design, statistical analysis plans, and letters of support.
  • Contract Services: We perform statistical analysis on a fee-based system for Cornell faculty and staff.