R & RStudio Drop-in Installation Session

Getting R and RStudio set up on your computer can be challenging, but CSCU is here to help! Stop in any time during this session to get help installing R, RStudio, and R packages (such as tidyverse). This is a great opportunity to make sure you’re ready to go with R before classes start or attending one of CSCU’s R workshops. We can also help troubleshoot pesky package installation issues. Snacks will be provided!

This is an informal “workshop.” Bring your laptop by anytime during these hours for help and guidance getting R and RStudio installed and set up on your system!

Downloading R and R Studio:

If you intend follow along with the R coding during the workshop, please make sure that you have the latest version of R and RStudio installed.

First, you will need to download and install R. R can be downloaded at: https://cran.r-project.org/.

Next you will need to download and install RStudio. We will use RStudio in this workshop. You can download RStudio at:

Upcoming Offerings

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Tuesday September 10 2024
Type of Workshop: Hands-on
Time: 3:00pm – 5:00pm
Workshop Location: Big Red Barn