Managing Qualtrics Data Using R and SPSS

Qualtrics is a powerful survey tools that allows researchers to create and distribute surveys to gather research data. This workshop will cover methods and strategies to extract and manage data that originated in Qualtrics for further analysis in statistical software such as R and SPSS.

This workshop will address some of the common issues researchers encounter during statistical analysis of Qualtrics survey data.

    • Choosing exporting options to enable easier analysis
    • Tables appropriate for “check all that apply” questions
    • Using Qualtrics to introduce conditions via randomization blocks into your survey design
    • Restructuring data from randomization blocks to use in subsequent analysis.

SPSS is an analysis software that works particularly well with data output from Qualtrics, as is the R package expss.  This workshop will cover the use of these specific software packages in the analysis of Qualtrics data.